- PDF (290 KB) before submitting this form.

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Texas Department of Information Resources

Domain Name Registration Form

To reserve a texas.gov domain name, complete and submit this form. Please review the Internet and Email Domain Name Management Policy - PDF (807.99 KB) before submitting this form.

To register for a Texas.gov domain, the domain name must follow the standard naming convention associated to the type of government entity making the request:

  • State agency: agencyacronym.texas.gov; for example - dir.texas.gov
  • County: countynamecounty.texas.gov; for example - traviscounty.texas.gov
  • Municipality: nameofcity.texas.gov; for example - austin.texas.gov

Note: If a requested domain name for a state agency is not consistent with the standard naming convention, it will be considered an exception. No exceptions will be considered for counties or municipalities. See Domain Name Exception Process for more information.



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